Effective 1/1/25, Harter's Disposal will be garbage/recycling hauler for the Village of Athens.  For missed pickups, please call them at 888-804-8556 or 715-446-5400.




Garbage collection day is every Friday.  Section 8-3-1(l) of the Municipal Code states that all recyclable materials and solid waste be placed adjacent to the public street no earlier than 24 hours before the regular collection time.  All garbage and recycling should be at the curb for collection by 6:00 a.m. of the day of collection.  Collection may be moved to Saturday if a Holiday is during the week (SEE LINK BELOW FOR PICK UP CALENDAR). 


You will be provided a 95 gallon garbage cart (blue cart with BLACK lid).  All garbage MUST be bagged inside the cart and all garbage must fit inside the cart.  


The Village will offer a Spring Clean Up day (date to be determined) where residents can bring their excess trash/larger bulk items for collection.


Click here for information regarding disposal of electronics (tv's, computer monitors, etc)






Each residence will be provided a 95 gal recycling cart (blue cart with GREEN lid).  Recycling collection will be every other Friday.  Do not place recycling in plastic bags inside of cart.


For businesses and schools, we have a recycling center located off of Goodrich Street. 


The following items can be mixed together:

Aluminum cans, container glass (glass clean with caps removed and should not be broken), plastic bottles and containers  (#1 & #2 clean bottles/containers except motor oil bottles and many #3-#7 plastic items including food & beverage containers, cat litter containers, ice cream pails, 5-gallon pails, medicine/pill containers, flower pots/trays, yogurt or cottage cheese containers, cups & tubs, and clear and rigid clam shell packaging), and tin cans (clean with labels removed), mixed paper, cardboard and newspapers. 


# 1 Brown Plastic Bottles

#6 Polystyrene foam (Styrofoam): Egg Cartons, Hot beverage cups, plates, formed packing pieces/peanuts

Motor Oil Containers

Plastic film, shrink wrap and bags (all #s)

CD cases

Vinyl items such as windows, siding, etc



 The Village also has a drop off site located at 104 E Degner St.  Items such as leaves, grass clippings, yard/garden debris and branches can be brought to this site.  When bringing items to this site, please put them in the proper place as noted by the signs! NO OTHER GARBAGE SHOULD BE DEPOSITED HERE!!


Waste oil – there is a drop off site located at the recycling center.  Please make sure to take your containers with you.




Last updated 1/6/2025 3:30:18 PM